Eczema Creams For Dry Rashes

There are many of eczema creams sold by a large number of drug companies. Some of them are made for generic use and can be used for all eleven kinds of eczema. So, other eczema creams are specifically created for certain types of eczema and their associated symptoms. If you have eczema which shows itself as dry itchy rashes, you need to figure out which variety is effective for the type that you have.

One way of learning which eczema creams will work for your dry rash is to find out which type of eczema that you have. Although eczema is typically associated with body rashes and itching, the type of rashes that a person manifests depends on what eczema he or she has. The common symptom that many types of eczema share is a dry rash. But even though these certain eczema types have a common symptom, it does not mean that the dry rashes look similar to each other and that one eczema cream will work for all of them.

People who develop itchy dry skin are more likely to have atopic dermatitis only because it is one of the few types of eczema associated with flaking dry patches of skin and it is the most common type of eczema that plagues a large percentage of the population, affecting babies, children, and adults. In babies, the dry rash usually oozes and shows up on their neck, arms, and legs. Children who have atopic dermatitis have more severe symptoms than the infants in that the rashes and itchiness are more persistent. Adults, on the other hand, develop the dullest looking patches of dry skin compared to babies and children. In adults, these rashes may show up on the face, necks, hands, fingers, feet, and toes.

Although, there are also other kinds of eczema associated with dry rashes and these are sebaceous dermatitis, xerotic eczema, and nummular eczema. Just as with atopic dermatitis, sebaceous dermatitis is also a frequent kind of eczema characterized by itchy dry skin. The only difference is that unlike atopic dermatitis, the dry rash with sebaceous dermatitis is usually red. Xerotic eczema bears more resemblance to atopic dermatitis because they are both characterized by dry itching skin. However, xerotic eczema varies because it is triggered by winter and only appears on the lower legs and underarms.

It is only in the elderly that eczema displays itself differently as red itchy pimples. As soon as you see dry rashes developing in any part of your body, have yourself checked by a dermatologist. A licensed doctor will be able to appropriately assess your symptoms and diagnose your eczema whether it is atopic, sebaceous, xerotic, or nummular eczema. From there on, your doctor will prescribe you certain eczema creams which are formulated for dry eczema rashes.

Another way of finding out which eczema creams will work for your dry eczema rashes is to explore the possibilities. Of course, you can only do this once you have received your diagnosis as to what type of eczema you really have. There are a countless number of eczema creams sold over-the-counter by pharmacies. Some of these creams were specifically made for the four types of eczema associated with dry skin rashes. By individually trying out these eczema creams on your rashes, you can figure out which works for you.

When you are looking for the perfect eczema cream for your dry rash, you basically have to assess the effectiveness of the eczema creams based on the amount of time they took before taking effect, the significance in the reduction of your symptoms, and the length of time by which your symptoms were managed. The best eczema creams will have to be those that take little time before they take effect, those that are able to significantly reduce your eczema rashes, and those that provide long-term relief.

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information about eczema creams visit