Eczema Treatment Options

There are many causes of eczema so not all home remedies will work on everyone but if you try a few, you’ll probably find one or two that are most effective for your particular condition.

Stress is one of the factors that can cause and aggravate the disease and therefore you should try to avoid it.

The most effective natural eczema cure is drinking fresh vegetable and fruit juices and eating a whole-food diet. Drinking fresh vegetable juices will detoxify your body of the factors that cause an eczema outbreak. Four ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice, every other day, removes toxins from the blood. Combinations of vegetables and fruits, every day, will help your body heal from within, and you will see the eczema gradually go away.

Studies have shown that essential fatty acids can help reduce eczema symptoms drastically due to the important Omega 3 and 6 fats that our bodies require. Borage Oil, Krill Oil, Evening Primrose Oil and Flaxseed Oil have great results in clearing up eczema for many people because of the Gamma Linolenic Omega 6 in them.

For better and quicker results I recommend drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, water is a natural body and skin moisturiser and by drinking plenty of water a day along with coconut oil spread over the surface of your skin you can certainly beat eczema in a matter of days. Olive Oil has been used successfully on scalp eczema to loosen scales which can then be washed away with a hypoallergenic shampoo. Carrot and musk melon is particularly beneficial in cases of eczema. The should be taken three to four times daily reducing the intake later on and adding milk and curds. Muskmelon should be washed down with cow’s milk. The combination of muskmelon and milk is not harmful as it is commonly supposed. Apply Aloe Vera gel after you finish your oatmeal bath to achieve quicker results. Elena’s natural collection is also a popular healing agent and far better than steroid based products. You can also apply spearmint leaf juice to reduce eczema. Almond leaves are also useful in the treatment of eczema. Mash these leaves in water and apply evenly on the affected area. Mashed papaya seeds, when applied on the affected area, are also beneficial in alleviating this skin condition.

Horsetail, a plant common to North America, contains the element silicon. Silica is essential to the proper growth and healing of many types of tissue, including skin. It also has anti-bacterial and astringent effects which offer relief for the inflammation and itching of eczema. The Flora Herb & Supplement Encyclopedia suggests an infusion of 10 teaspoons of horsetail plant to 1 liter or water. Wet a towel with the infusion. Lay it over the affected area. Cover the wet towel with a dry one. Hold it on the area for at least 10 minutes.

Coconut oil is a natural treatment that acts as a relief for eczema. Applying coconut oil twice a day can help soothing the itch and burning sensation on your skin.


Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on natural eczema treatment, acne treatment.