How To Prepare Eczema

There are a number of natural eczema remedies that can go a long way to clearing up your annoying or even painful skin condition. Numerous herbal products work well as all-natural eczema treatments and may be used to deal with all the signs or symptoms of eczema.

1. Heat three tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of shea butter, two teaspoons of beeswax and one teaspoon of emulsifying wax pellets over boiling water. Add one-fourth teaspoon of vitamin E oil and lanolin. Separately, mix 1 tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and distilled water. Add aloe vera solution to the oil and wax mix and whip until creamy. Let cool and mix in lavender essential oil. Apply to skin as needed.

2. Avoid using any soap or moisturizer that has fragrances added. These usually have a chemical additive that can aggravate your rash. When washing dishes or cleaning the house use rubber gloves to avoid getting any chemicals on your skin. As soon as you are done, remove the gloves and apply a moisturizer.

3. Another home remedy for eczema that is very effective is to eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, for at least 3 times a week. Cold water oily fish is rich in omega 3 fatty oils, including some other fish like Salmon, Herring, Mackerel and Sardines. You should also eat lots of vegetables and fruits because they give the body the required vitamins like zinc which is good in healing the skin.

4. Make sure that you exercise, sleep on time, have plenty of water and soak in some early morning sun to get a supply of vitamin D. Other than that, applying natural oils on the eczema itch (neem, coconut, borage oil for eczema), are known to help relieve the itch tremendously.

5. Heat one-fourth cut of beeswax in double boiler. Add one half- cup of almond oil and coconut oil and stir until completely combined. Mix in one-fourth cup of rose water. Pour into container while hot. Mixture will cool into a soothing skin cream.

6. Using a soap made from olive oil is a great start when you are bathing. Olive oil is a natural moisturizer and when used on dry skin the results are amazing. Always follow with a moisturizer even when washing with a moisture producing soap.

7. One very popular way to get rid of eczema is to eat yogurt as much as you can. Yogurts especially if they are unsweetened contains live bacterias. By eating a pot of probiotic yogurt daily your body will help promote the growth of good bacteria in the body. This bacteria in turn will help to cure your skin infection. This is also effective in treating baby eczema and Candidiasis or yeast infection in women.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, how to treat eczema naturally.

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