How to Treat Eczema Topically

Eczema is a skin condition that can be quite agonizing. Those itchy red rashes can give anyone a bad day. While there are no cures for eczema, there are many ways to treat it and suppress flareups. If you’ve ever thought about how to treat eczema topically, you’re reading the right article. After you read this short article you will have learned about some creams and ointments that you can put on yourself to prevent flareups and give you some relief.

The first and most commonly used ointments are Vaseline, Eucerine, or other types of petroleum-based moisturizer’s. It’s best to apply these after bathing, this will lock in moisture and keep your skin from drying out. Skin drying is the number one cause of eczema flareups.

The next form of topical treatment is the use of corticosteroids. You can either get this over-the-counter or prescribed by your physician. The most popular over-the-counter brand for corticosteroids is cortisone. It has been used for a long time and has been proven successful. You can talk to your doctor about getting stronger types of topical steroids. A well-known brand would be Desonide ointment. Be very careful with these because steroids of the strength can have harmful side effects.

The third form of topical treatment, and actually most surprising is honey. A good way to use honey to treat eczema is to mix it with cinnamon, then simply coat it on the affected parts of your skin. Honey has been known to have healing properties and studies have shown that it works very well for eczema.

In this article I have given you three ways on how to treat eczema topically. But treating eczema topically is only half the battle in suppressing and keeping eczema away. There are also ways to treat eczema internally. Talk to your doctor to get a more complete view of your plan of attack on eczema.

If you would like to know more on How To Treat Eczema please visit Beat Eczema.

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