Natural Ways To Heal Eczema

There is actually no known cure for eczema, but there are natural ways to heal or lessen the effects of this skin condition to you and your skin.

Ensure any of the products don’t contain allergens or skin irritants. Avoid clothes that are tight on you. These can increase itching and chafing, and thus worsening your flareups. So keep your clothes loose and light. They are more comfy, and prevent skin irritation. I know sometimes you cannot help it, but avoid scratching. Try your best, because it can cause your skin to be irritated. And effective method for doing this is to cover the affected area or wear thick gloves. This will decrease the harm caused by scratching.

Some eczema sufferers have found some benefit through sun bathing. The heat of the sun kills the bacteria on the skin that is causing the eczema to spread. A little bit of sunshine may be the answer. However, don’t be out too long in the sun as dryness is often a problem for those with dermatitis.

Eating foods containing high acid content can cause your eczema to spread rapidly. So avoid such foods at any cost. A simple remedy for this would be to include natural kelp supplements in your diet which are available at your local health stores. They contain high Alkali and can easily neutralize your acidity.

Your bathing and beauty practices can also be used as at home remedies for eczema. When you have a bath or shower avoid wash cloths that are harsh, such as loofahs or exfoliating sponges, as these cause tiny cracks in your skin and can make your eczema much worse. Instead use soft cloths or even none at all. When drying, do not rub the skin. Instead, pat the wet areas until they dry up. Use a hypoallergenic moisturizes after you bathe to help lock the moisture into your skin. Do this at least twice a day for best results.

Using wet compresses or damp cloths can also help to reduce irritation even throughout the night as you sleep since it will keep your skin moisturized. Start by soaking a clean cloth in cold water then proceed to cover the affected regions until it is comfortable for you. Using this method in addition to using ointments will help to control outbreaks and flare-ups.

Relaxation techniques are obviously one of the best natural cures. Eczema can be spurred on by stress and many people who have this condition find it worsens during periods of high anxiety. Finding the right stress relief approach can be a bit tricky but some things you’ll want to try include exercising more, meditation and taking time away from work.


Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on natural eczema treatment, acne treatment, Nummular Eczema Treatment