Over the Counter Eczema Treatment – Does it Work?

Conventional treatment for eczema is still somewhere firmly in the dark ages and this goes primarily for over the counter eczema treatment. Once you have been diagnosed with eczema you will get a prescription for some form of steroid such as Hydrocortisone creams or ointment in varying strengths or another antibacterial, steroid cream such as Fucibet. Following are the reasons why they just don’t seem to work.

I will start by saying, if the eczema outbreak is a one off occurrence and the individual is not normally prone to eczema then yes, a steroid cream can get rid of the initial out-break and the fact that they are not predisposed to eczema can mean that they will never experienced it again. However, for those who have had eczema for some time, the steroid route just isn’t a feasible option and these powerful creams are not to be underestimated. Yes, they can clear the skin temporarily but they cannot get rid of the fact that the individual has many allergies and extremely sensitive skin.

If you use over the counter eczema treatment such as steroid creams as you usual, on-going form of treatment then you may end up with thinning of the skin and many other more severe conditions. If you have used steroids before, no doubt your doctor will have warned you of the consequences of regular use of steroid creams.

Eczema is the result of the skin coming into contact with an allergen and/or by eating/ingesting an allergen that can be in your food or in the air. Your first line of defense should be to find out what these allergies are, then remove them from your life where possible. This can be achieved by way of a skin prick, allergy test performed by your doctor, or by keeping a diary of your skin behavior and food intake/contact with substances.

There are many methods that are completely natural which can heal and prevent future outbreaks of eczema. To access the full guide to clearing your skin and avoid having to depend on over the counter eczema treatment, continue to Natural Treatment For Eczema.

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