What You Must Know on What Causes Eczema

In order to identify the right treatment and preventive measures, it is very important for you to understand what causes eczema. There are a lot of individuals suffering from the skin conditions throughout the world. Most patients who are diagnosed are children age 5 and below. However, adult-onset eczema cases are also possible. Since it is a chronic or long-term disorder, eczema is usually managed according to their symptoms to promote the comfort of the patient. Triggers or factors of the disorder are also identified and avoided by the patient. The signs and symptoms of the condition may also differ depending on the severity of the condition.

What causes eczema?
Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a condition characterized by skin itching, drying, cracking and redness. In severe cases, symptoms of the condition include the development of blisters which may develop secretions. If the condition is not managed effectively, it can lead to a lot of complications that can provide further problem especially to children suffering from the condition. The exact cause of the condition is still unknown. However, the following factors are identified by health experts as possible causes.

1. Hereditary factors
Most experts recognize hereditary factors as the most accepted factor on what causes eczema. Several statistical studies regarding the condition show that most patients who are diagnosed with eczema have parents or other relatives who are also diagnosed with the same condition. Majority of the children who have the condition were identified to have developed the disorder due to hereditary factors. However, their eczema may vary in severity.

A certain gene among patients called the fillagrin gene is identified to be defective, leading to the allergic skin condition. Several individuals with damaged fillagrin gene may pass it on to their children as they pass the disorder. Damage of the fillagrin gene causes the signs and symptoms of eczema.

Other than the damaged or defective fillagrin gene, several studies have also shown that individuals diagnosed with certain immunologic conditions may pass the disorder to their children. The immune system of individuals diagnosed with the condition often destroys normal body cells and releases substances into the skin surfaces, leading to inflammation. This is why eczema is recognized as an autoimmune disorder, a condition caused by immune system fighting itself.

2. Environmental factors
Eczema cases among adults are usually caused by environmental factors. These factors include certain conditions where allergic reactions become severe, causing an overreaction of the immune system. Consistent exposure to the allergic environmental factor can lead to long term overreaction of the immune system, which in turn leads to eczema.

Pollution, stress and extreme weather can also lead to changes with the immune system function, leading to eczema.

3. Hormonal conditions
Another factor which may cause eczema among adults is hormonal conditions. Since hormones regulate several body processes such as skin nutrition, hormonal conditions may lead to other problems. If the allergic reaction of the skin is left uncontrolled by the immune system and the hormones, it can lead to the development of eczema.

Veronica Ayuste has been doing a lot of research about eczema cure, just visit her website at www.eczemacureanswers.com.