Baby Steps to Essential Oils – Eczema Series Part 2 by Dr. LeAnne …

This is part 2 in a 3-part series on eczema by Dr. Leanne. She has been gracious to allow us to share her wisdom and experience due to her years of practice and the many people she has treated suffering through this miserable ailment. We cannot encourage you strongly enough to look internally for any issue showing itself through external symptoms. Any skin issue is the body crying out for cleansing, nourishment, hydration, emotional release, and more. We are grateful for Dr. Leanne’s encouragement to work on eczema from the inside out. For other relief with oils, see suggestions here.

Read Eczema Series Part 1.

by Dr. Leanne Deardeuff

As a Chiropractor, I would often see babies and small children with Eczema rash. The poor child was miserable with “the itchies”; some of them had gouged themselves with their fingernails. The rash would be inflamed and blistery or opened and weeping from scratching. Some mothers would tie mittens on their children’s hands to keep them from scratching. I am sure it was horrible! The mothers would come to me wondering what to do for their child. The medical doctor’s told them it was genetic and the only thing to do was to put a cortisone cream on it. But, what we really found was that the cream just seemed to chase it under the skin for a while then it would erupt again later, and we know that these types of creams also caused yeast to grow in the body, causing other problems later on.

Dr. John Ray Christopher, leading herbalist and natural healer in the 1950′s through the 1980′s, followed Dr. Samuel Thompson’s train of thought. Dr. Thompson was a famous natural doctor in the 1800′s who believed that rashes were the body’s way of dumping toxins, so he came up with all kinds of ways to get the toxins out of a body. He used enemas, colon cleansing, Epsom salt baths, sweating, vomiting, etc. This works for a nursing mom to be able to clean up her breast milk, however, the babies would go on strike while she cleansed because it would make her milk bitter.

This same protocol can be used on children with eczema, but first find out to what they are allergic to! I think the best way to do that is to first take away milk. Read labels. They need to be off of milk for four months before you may see a difference and many doctors believe it may take as long as a year! Next take them off wheat; the same protocol as milk applies. I had a pediatrician who tried an experiment with different labs in his area; He sent the same blood sample to different labs in the area and also out of state to labs that claimed they did allergy testing. When the results came in they were all different! Five different results. He also did skin testing on the same subject and had different results then the blood testing! The point is that many times the blood tests can’t be reliable. I think that the skin tests are supposed to be more dependable, however, I know that the elimination diet works. After they have been off milk or wheat for several months, then add one of them back into the diet and wait 4 days. If there is a problem with the substance some sort of reaction will show up: a rash, gas, nausea, diarrhea, headache, vomiting, etc. Do the same thing with eggs, fruits, grains etc.