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Asthma and the allergy link

Recently I was invited to speak on BBC West Midlands radio about a recent report detailing the number of deaths caused by asthma in the UK.

It makes for pretty shocking reading…

UK asthma death rates among the worst in Europe

And it has always baffled me why there is a huge disconnect between asthma funding and allergy funding. The two are so intricately linked that it just seems crazy not to share resources, not least to prevent so many people suffering needlessly and being prescribed endless and increasing doses of steroids for what could be an allergy in the first place.

What causes asthma? It’s never a simple answer but I wonder how many of these asthma deaths could have been avoided had those patients been tested for allergies; thus understanding better what those triggers might be.

About four years ago I finally had a soya allergy diagnosed after worsening asthma. I didn’t think for a moment that I could be allergic to one of the very plant milks suggested in replacement of the cow’s milk that I was already allergic to, but cutting out soya led to a dramatic reduction in my asthma symptoms.

It’s not rocket science.

Many of my allergies cause asthma as a direct symptom including; hayfever, dust allergy, latex, soya, milk and nuts.

Asthma gets lots of funding and I am regularly seen by an asthma nurse to keep my asthma under control but this is not the case for allergy treatment. I am very lucky to see a dermatologist who also treats me for my allergies but not everyone is so lucky, and getting to even have allergy testing can be impossible in certain areas of the country.

Why are we so behind our neighbours in Europe?

Will this report to lead to changes? Or will we still be talking about this in ten years time?

I suspect the latter… I find myself blogging over and over again about the same things year in year out because nothing does seem to change much. Apologies for the pessimistic comment there but it’s true.

And this is why I blog, because by doing this I can maybe help a few people not to feel so alone in the struggle for answers and normal life. Strive not to be normal people!

The post Asthma and the allergy link appeared first on talkhealth Blog.

talkhealth Blog

Oct 24, Ten New Genetic Links Found That May Link To Eczema

It has been reported that ten new genetic links have been discovered that may increase the risk of eczema developing. Amongst the genes found, were some that had an effect on certain roles of the immune system. An over-active immune system can be a cause of cause developing. The first part of the research was done with around 21,000 eczema sufferers and over 90,000 non-sufferers. Another 260,000 people were added to the research so the results could be confirmed. The main result of the study confirms how important the immune system is in the development of eczema. How these new found genes will increase the risk of eczema developing may need more research, and more time.
Eczema Blog

Jan 14, Link Between Immune System and Food Allergies

A research team in Australia have discovered that there is a link between children who have an over-active immune system, and the development of certain food allergies. They found that children who have an over-active immune system are more likely to develop food allergies in the first few years of life. They aren’t sure why certain children have hyperactive immune cells, though they have found that certain cells are activated before or during birth. Why it happens is unknown. They are going to carry on the research to look for answers that may help to lower the risk of children developing these food allergies.
Eczema Blog

Link between cancer and obesity higher in women

As someone who has recently lost weight (22 pounds or 9.7kg in new money) I was interested to read a recent study published in The Lancet.

A recent cancer diagnosis within my family made me stop and think. I’m middle-aged and clearly I wasn’t doing myself any favours by being overweight, potentially storing up problems for later in life. And I felt pretty miserable actually as I knew I owed it to myself to look and feel better. I still have a bit of weight I’d like to lose, but the difference the weight loss has made is not to be under-estimated.

The study in The Lancet shows a clear link between obesity and cancer. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released their report on cancer and obesity last week. It highlights that cancers associated with being overweight and obese, including thyroid, liver, kidney, and ovarian cancer, account for 40% of cancers diagnosed in the USA, with over 630,000 diagnoses in 2014 alone.

The study looked at data from the United States Cancer Statistics for 2005-2014. Disparities between sexes in the rates of cancers associated with obesity are especially frightening, with 55% of all cancers diagnosed in women being associated with overweight and obesity, compared with only 24% of cancers in men.

And, the likelihood is that these trends will be similar in the UK so we need to take note.

Losing weight isn’t easy and it takes time. And as well as losing the weight it’s important to eat a healthy, low calorie diet, get plenty of sleep and exercise. It has to be approached holistically. There are also some great apps out there to help you monitor your food intake, weight loss, sleep and exercise.

But, before embarking on any changes in nutrition and exercise, it is advisable to see your GP.

For more information about this study and the link between cancer and obesity, click here

talkhealth Blog

Oct 24, Ten New Genetic Links Found That May Link To Eczema

It has been reported that ten new genetic links have been discovered that may increase the risk of eczema developing. Amongst the genes found, were some that had an effect on certain roles of the immune system. An over-active immune system can be a cause of cause developing. The first part of the research was done with around 21,000 eczema sufferers and over 90,000 non-sufferers. Another 260,000 people were added to the research so the results could be confirmed. The main result of the study confirms how important the immune system is in the development of eczema. How these new found genes will increase the risk of eczema developing may need more research, and more time.
Eczema Blog

Jan 14, Link Between Immune System and Food Allergies

A research team in Australia have discovered that there is a link between children who have an over-active immune system, and the development of certain food allergies. They found that children who have an over-active immune system are more likely to develop food allergies in the first few years of life. They aren’t sure why certain children have hyperactive immune cells, though they have found that certain cells are activated before or during birth. Why it happens is unknown. They are going to carry on the research to look for answers that may help to lower the risk of children developing these food allergies.
Eczema Blog

Study casts doubt about link between eczema, cardiovascular disease

For the roughly 7 percent of adults who live with atopic dermatitis, a common form of eczema, a new study reports a little good news: Despite recent findings to the contrary, the skin condition is…
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